In a World...

...where free expression is under siege, Truth Memes emerges as the vanguard of the meme artists community. Influenced by the likes of Julian Assange, inspired by the Cypherpunk Movement, and emboldened by the ideals of Bitcoin and Satoshi Nakamoto, Truth Memes is a beacon of unapologetic truth-telling and humor. Let's disrupt the current landscape of censorship and cancel culture through the power of Memes.


In the pixelated trenches where the meme lords dare to dwell,
Where keystrokes clash and screens ignite,
and warriors cast their spells.

In service to the sovereign Truth, with humor as our guide,
We muster all the dank and degen souls,
united, side by side.

Our canvas is the internet, a tapestry so broad,
A battleground where Memes ignite,
and laughter is our sword. 

So in this crucible of contest, let our spirits ne’er be tamed,
By censorship's dark arts, or by cancel’s fires inflamed.

In the sacred cause of Truth, may our fellowship be strong,
A brotherhood of humorists, where all free spirits belong.

Arm in arm, we'll face the tempest, with a laughter loud and bright,
And in the battlefield of ideas, for our freedom, we shall fight.

– Ashoka „Memetoshi“ Trismegistos

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